Thursday, November 19, 2015

Why will I work with you?

Many a recruiter will send me a note and say that I'm perfect for a job only to find out that my skills are the only thing that has been considered in the search process. I have a diverse background with several skill sets under my belt and I have a propensity to work with different tools depending on what the current position needs. What brings me to you is not the pool table, foosball table, drinks in the fridge, food trucks at the back door or a brand new Mac. I will ask about the people I'll be working with, the management that will be directing a project and other touchy feely type questions. The people, the management, the atmosphere is more important than the bits and bytes I'll be pushing around because if the people are good, the management is respectful and the atmosphere is open and accepting then the work, no matter the language, will be good work.

Toptal recently came to my attention as an opportunity worth pursuing. There was no offer of power bars in the fridge, best food trucks in town, Ms PacMan in the breakroom and all the sodas I can imagine in the fridge. What Toptal brings to the table is, good people and the opportunity to work with great companies doing great things. I can only assume what the management will be like as that normally takes a project or two to get a real feel for. What I can infer is that the management will have to be great in order to work effectively with such a smart and diverse group of people. As I've worked with international teams before I know that diversity breeds a strong gift of leadership that thrives on getting great people to be even better.

If I have the unique opportunity to work with such a diverse team I will know that the work I've done in the past will only be a great foundation for even better work going forward.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Chance Meetings

I start this with a learning experience. Always have a few business cards on hand, even if you think you won't need them. As someone who normally didn't carry cards around and as someone who is working to get their own business started, I missed an opportunity to hand out my cards to a few people last night at a local art show. I'm a polyglot software engineer that is working on a 3D printing business plan and didn't really expect to meet some folks at the event who would be interested in what I'm working on. So, even as an old boyscout, I wasn't fully prepared for the interest and the opportunity to exchange business cards with possible clients.

I will have a few cards with me no matter where I go now because a missed opportunity could mean a loss of business and that's a loss I do not want to miss out on again.